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- This material was submitted to me via electronic mail directly by the author,
- Ed Bartz, for inclusion in the library. Below is a copy of the initial mail
- from Ed that preceded the program and documentation. Thanks Ed!
- -Fred
- 25-Oct-87
- ======================================================================
- From mcdchg!gatech!rutgers!elbereth.rutgers.edu!bartz Mon Oct 19 17:30:24 1987
- Return-Path: <mcdchg!gatech!rutgers!elbereth.rutgers.edu!bartz>
- Received: by noname.uucp (3.2/SMI-3.2)
- id AA11794; Mon, 19 Oct 87 17:30:19 MST
- Received: by mcdchg.UUCP (smail2.3)
- id AA13142; 19 Oct 87 14:43:09 EDT (Mon)
- Received: from rutgers.UUCP by gatech.edu with UUCP (5.58/7.3.GT)
- id AA14558; Mon, 19 Oct 87 14:23:17 EDT
- Received: by RUTGERS.EDU (5.54/1.14)
- id AA25920; Mon, 19 Oct 87 14:25:23 EDT
- Received: by elbereth.rutgers.edu (5.54/1.14)
- id AA05516; Mon, 19 Oct 87 14:22:05 EDT
- Date: Mon, 19 Oct 87 14:22:05 EDT
- From: gatech!rutgers!elbereth.rutgers.edu!bartz (Bartz)
- Message-Id: <8710191822.AA05516@elbereth.rutgers.edu>
- To: fnf@mcdsun.uucp
- Status: R
- Fred,
- The next 7 messages from me will contain a the uuencoded
- version of GravityWars 2.0. Six of the parts are the main program.
- These parts are labeled for order. Remove the first line from each
- part and concat, then uudecode the result. The last file is icons
- (yours from a previous version of Gravwars) and docs. These icons
- work by the way, you just need a stack size of 10000 to run
- the game, so the icon has been modified accordingly. Also there are
- no sources supplied here. I will send them to you at request, but
- they are not useful. This program can only be compilied with the
- Benchmark Modula 2 compiler, and since the sources for this version
- are supplied with the compiler as an example, including them is a
- waste of disk space. You might note on the disk however why the
- sources are not included.
- Ed Bartz
- Rutgers!Elbereth!Bartz